'The second instalment in a unique series set in Feudal Japan about a special group of kids training in the ways of the samurai. Across the valley, a drum beat echoes. Thum. Thum. For ten days, this drum will call the mountain ryus to war. When it stops, the fifty year peace will be over and only the Emperor can prevent this from happening.
'So begins a new challenge for the samurai kids of the Cockroach Ryu. Lead by their Sensei, Ki-Yaga, the samurai kids travel west to the Emperors castle with the aim to silence the war drum and prevent their friends from becoming enemies. And with only ten days until the war begins, they must move quickly! However, on their travels, they discover a greater challenge is waiting for them when they reach the castle: long ago, the Emperor banished their Sensei from his presence and told him that he would chop off his head if he ever saw him again.
'Knowing the threat to their beloved teacher, they arrive at the castle, unsure of how they can convince the emperor to call off the war before he cuts off Sensei's head. All seems hopeless until they join forces with the Owl Ninja clan and learn the ways of the ninja.
'As samurai and ninja work together, the samurai kids succeed in ending not only the conflict at home, but also the long war of mistrust between the samurai and the ninja.' (From the publisher's website.)