Tommy O'Donoghue Tommy O'Donoghue i(A112714 works by)
Born: Established: 1916 Finke / Aputula, South East Northern Territory, Southern Northern Territory, Northern Territory, ;
Gender: Male
Heritage: Aboriginal Yankunytjatjara ; Aboriginal Wangganguru ; Aboriginal
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Tommy O'Donoghue was raised by Tommy Cramp, the father of his friend, Clancy Cramp. O'Donoghue worked on Mount Dare Station breaking in horses until he went to Oodnadatta where he worked on repairing the railway line that had been destroyed by a flood. O'Donoghue helped to construct buildings in the town including the pub and several homes. He worked on several stations before settling at Oodnadatta.

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Last amended 2 Mar 2009 13:27:05
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