Johnathan Cape and Robert Ballou Johnathan Cape and Robert Ballou i(A111501 works by) (Organisation) assertion
Born: Established: 1932 New York (City), New York (State),
United States of America (USA),
; Died: Ceased: 1932 New York (City), New York (State),
United States of America (USA),

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In 1928 Cape ventured into the USA book market; in order to retain American rights he established a new publishing house. Harcourt Brace's chief editor Harrison Smith invested money and joined Cape in 1929. The Wall Street crash, Smith's lack of business experience and the partners' inability to work "well together" did not bode well ; Smith left in 1931. Literary Editor of the Chicago Daily News Robert Ballou had joined the company and worked in the manufacturing department; he became a partner when Smith left. However, the company was in financial trouble; by the summer of 1932, the company went into receivership.

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Last amended 16 Nov 2007 15:41:40
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