Brothers Julius and Samuel Hanson, and their wives Ellen and Jenny, conform to social habits as disparate as their respective suburban and farming homes. The only thing fit to bring them together is the sudden reappearance of their wealthy aunt, who is exchanging her exotic lifestyle for a home in the care of her nephews. Feigning poverty and the possession of eccentric pets, she weeds out the less-than-charitable intentions of her family members in an outrageous dance of manners that unveils each of the couples' strong prejudices toward and against her wealth and the class she represents. Honesty and kindness – in the form of Jenny's forthrightness and Samuel's generosity – win the day when the two agree to take her in under the full belief of her impoverishment, and are subsequently made heirs to her whole estate.
A play in one act.
ELLEN HANSON Julius' wife.
SAMUEL HANSON Julius' brother.
JENNY HANSON Samuel's wife.
MRS JANE HUMPELDINK Aunt to Julius and Samuel.
ALICE Parlourmaid to the Julius Hansons.