The first known production of this pantomimic adaptation of Defoe's classic novel was in Charters Towers in late August 1915. It was likely staged earlier than that, however. Describing it as an 'all-round capital show' the Townsville Daily Bulletin's theatre critic further notes: 'Cinderella or "the girl who put her foot in it" is a tuneful medley of songs and dances, diversified with extremely clever acrobatic and comedy work of a high description (29 August 1915, p.5)'
The 1915 production's musical programme opened with two lilting choruses 'A Hunting We Will Go' and 'Back, Back to Tipperary' (featuring Phyllis Faye). Other known songs were 'I'll Meet You by the Mississippi River,' 'Dreaming of You' (both performed by Phyllis Faye), 'Neath the Shadow of the Pyramids' (Ivy Marsden), 'When They Get Old' (Bruce Drysdale), 'Three Little Maids are We' (Marie Wilmot, Florrie Horan and Bruce Drysdale), 'When the Pigs begin to Fly' (Bruce Drysdale and Harry McDonna) and 'The Skies Will Be Blue If You Say You'll Be Mine,' and 'Do You Remember.'