Bryony Marks Bryony Marks i(A109879 works by)
Gender: Female
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Bryony Marks has a post-graduate diploma in Music Composition for Film and Television from The University of Melbourne's Conservatorium of Music.

Most Referenced Works

Awards for Works

The Princess, the Pea (and the Brave Escapee) 2023 single work drama

'Join rebellious Princess Isabella as she embarks on an epic adventure in this enchanting 21st-century reimagining of a much-loved fairytale.

'Isabella was born with everything. Daughter of the grandest king, surrounded by the greatest wealth, held in the highest castle. Her life was big, bold and brash, but Isabella notices the small, beautiful things… from the way frogs hold their breath in the pond, to how sand feels between her toes at the beach. Her life is easy, but Isabella is not content, and dreams of escaping palace life.

'One day, in the midst of a storm, when everyone is looking elsewhere, she finds her chance. With all the courage she can muster, she sets out to uncover the magic the world holds. Her amazing super senses guide her on a journey filled with daring feats and surprising friendships.

'This stunning theatrical production comes alive with classical music performed live by ACO musicians. It’s perfect for audiences of all ages who need a reminder that they can be brave, even if they feel scared of the unknown.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

2025 shortlisted AWGIE Awards Stage Award Theatre for Young Audiences
Crossing Live 2007 single work musical theatre opera 'The work melds the combined skills of a diva, anchor-woman Paula Day, as hard-edged as her eye line theatre actors who work to music and musicians and stage crew who perform as actors. The live score is played seamlessly with pre-recorded music and a sound-scape as well as pre-recorded and live visuals from cameras wielded by the actors on stage. All this allows the theatre audience to see the television show as viewers at home in their living rooms would see it and, at the same time, experience the unexpected human drama that unfolds behind the scenes.' Source: (Sighted 19/09/2007).
2008 shortlisted Victorian Premier's Literary Awards The Prize for Best Music Theatre Script
2007 winner Victorian Green Room Awards New Operatic Work Best New Australian Opera Work
Last amended 7 Dec 2018 11:17:03
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