Kylie Solonec Kylie Solonec i(A106817 works by)
Born: Established: 1974 Derby, Kimberley area, North Western Australia, Western Australia, ;
Gender: Female
Heritage: Aboriginal ; Aboriginal Nyikina
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Originally from the West Kimberely, Kylie Solonec spent her time growing up in the Pilbara and moved to Perth in 1994 to complete her university studies in Graphic Design, Computer Graphics, Multmedia, Film and Video. Kylie is the sister of Tammy Solonec and the daughter of Cindy Solonec.

In 2007 she was an Associate Lecturer in the Aboriginal Bridging Course (ABC) and the Indigenous Tertiary Enabling Course (ITEC) and taught Aboriginal Studies, Mathematics and Computers to Indigenous pre-tertiary students.

Solonec is an active member of the Aboriginal community and was a judge for the Perth NAIDOC awards in 2007.

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Last amended 28 May 2018 16:07:39
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