Victor Marsh Victor Marsh i(A105437 works by)
Gender: Male
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1 y separately published work icon My Teacher’s Name Is Love : Some Poems for Prem Victor Marsh , Thornbury : Clouds of Magellan , 2022 26543001 2022 selected work poetry

'A collection of poems examining love, self, devotion, and opening to a wider cosmos. Whimsical, meditative, rapturous, these poems are a contemporary expression of spirit.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon The Boy in the Yellow Dress Victor Marsh , Melbourne : Clouds of Magellan , 2014 7368680 2014 single work autobiography

'Perth in the 1950s. After being caught wearing his mother’s yellow dress, young Victor had to hide any tendency towards gender inappropriate behaviour. But his interest in dancing and theatre (and mooning over Rudolph Nureyev on the telly) were bound to make the façade collapse at some point. Emerging sexuality and the sense of not being 'at home' in his body, let alone the world, ran alongside a search for meaning that brought him eventually to a spiritual awakening under the young guru Maharaji ...

'Part family tragedy, part existential comedy, The Boy in the Yellow Dress is a warts-and-all account of exile and the subsequent journey homewards that is less about finding a respectable place in the world than an intimate connection with the ultimate source of being. ' (Publication summary)

1 A Touch of Silk Victor Marsh , 2013 single work autobiography
— Appears in: The Griffith Review , no. 42 2013; (p. 159-169)
1 2 y separately published work icon Re-Placement : A National Anthology of Creative Writing from Universities across Australia Moya Costello , Victor Marsh , Janie Conway-Herron (editor), Lismore : Southern Cross University Press , 2008 Z1553325 2008 anthology poetry prose short story (taught in 3 units) 'Re-Placement is an anthology from writers enrolled in creative writing courses at universities across Australia. It is the fourth such anthology of work from members of the Australian Association of Writing Programs and the first to be hosted by Southern Cross University.' (Provided by publisher.)
1 Child's Play Victor Marsh , 2007 extract novel (The Boy in the Yellow Dress)
— Appears in: Life Writing , October vol. 4 no. 2 2007; (p. 279-280)
1 The Boy in the Yellow Dress : Reframing Subjectivity in Narrativisations of the Queer Self Victor Marsh , 2007 single work essay
— Appears in: Life Writing , October vol. 4 no. 2 2007; (p. 263-285)
From author's abstract: 'In my experience, religion strives to drive a wedge between queer folk and their sexuality. Further, by perpetuating the sexualised construction of identity, it excludes particular sources of knowledge as fit only for people situated comfortably within its heteronormative models. Yet there is plenty of evidence that many queer lives are open to sources of "spiritual" insight ... beyond the heteronormative filters of the standard model. I present an extract from my memoir, a work in progress titled 'The Boy in the Yellow Dress', to demonstrate how the practice of life writing can produce versions of subjectivity that are resistant to homophobic constructions. ... The dis-illusionment that many gay men go through is re-presented as a stripping away of illusions, precipitating a radical inquiry into the nature of being that I propose is at the very heart of spiritual practice. ...I argue that, rather than upholding a fixed notion of self that is culturally produced, historically situated, and politically defended, in its quest for continuing liberation queer intelligence can prove responsive to the deconstructive imperative inherent in dertain "Eastern" approaches to religious practice.' (263)
1 Searching for the 'Home Self': The Narrativisation of Subjectivity in Christopher Isherwood's Life Writing Victor Marsh , 2006 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Journey of the Queer 'I': Spirituality and Subjectivity in Life Narratives by Gay Men 2006; (p. 1-163)
Focuses on the narrative repositioning of the self in Isherwood's texts as exemplars of s range of issues surrounding gay spirituality. - from the Austhor's Abstract (p.iii)
1 The Boy in the Yellow Dress (Scenes From a Life) Victor Marsh , 2006 single work autobiography
— Appears in: The Journey of the Queer 'I': Spirituality and Subjectivity in Life Narratives by Gay Men 2006; (p. 1-206)
'[A] narrative journey into and out of shame. Confronted with a ready-made, marginalised identity shaped by hostile discourses emanating from Family, Medicine, the Church, and the Law, a sissy boy struggles to recover the lost parts of self. With the help of spiritual practices taught by a young guru he is able to reclain a subjective positioning which heals his alienation and re-aligns him to a continuity of being with all that is.' - from the author's Abstract (p.iii)
1 y separately published work icon The Journey of the Queer 'I': Spirituality and Subjectivity in Life Narratives by Gay Men Victor Marsh , 2006 Z1384613 2006 single work thesis