The story revolves around British naval captain, David Gordon, his fiancée Patricia, and several German spies (including one who has infiltrated the navy as a captain). After a series of adventures Gordon and his ship take part in the battle of Jutland. He is captured shortly afterwards, however, and sent to a prison camp in Germany. Upon hearing of Gordon's capture, Patricia takes an active part in his rescue. Captain Northmount (the spy) in the meantime manages to traffic information out of England until cornered in an English mansion. He escapes after hiding in a priest hole and then manages to make his way to a seaplane which he flies to Germany where he is made commandant of a prisoner of war camp. "He reaps the just deserts of his treachery,' writes the Age theatre critic, [with] a bullet in the heart fires by an intrepid red-headed Australian soldier' (22 December 1919, 8).
The synopsis of scenery comprises : Act 1; Sc 1. Sir Harry Brookland's Home, Richmond, England ; The Call to Arms ; The Enemy Within ; The Zeppelin Raid. Act 2; Sc 1. (two weeks have passed) Deck of the H.M.S. Courageous (with song) ; Waiting, the Great Silent ; The Boxing Match for Featherweight Championship of the Fleet ; Clear Decks for Action. Sc 2. A Country Road near Brandon, East Coast ; Sc 3. Reception Room at Von Coblent's House ; The Secret Wireless Plant. Sc 4. Deck of the Courageous, Stripped for Action ; The Running Fight ; Death of the Poor Little Midshipmite ; 'Tis Good to Fight for the Flag ; Tableau - 'The Battle of Jutland.' Act 3; Sc 1. (18 months have elapsed) The Prison Camp at Friedrichsfeld, Germany ; Lashed, Starved and Murdered ; In the Enemy's Grip ; The Ambassador to the Rescue. Sc 2. Gates at the Prison ; Sc 3. Ballroom in Von Coblentz's quarters ; Diamond Cut diamond ; Koepenick out-Koepenicked ; Act 4; Sc 1. Sir Harry Brookland's Home ; The Armistace ; The Tree of Truth ; Back from the War.