The story begins in a vineyard setting in Germany where the love of Harold for Dora is made known. Her father, Carl, forges Harold's signature on some loan documents. Old Max, Carl's neighbour, and from whom the loan has been made, insists on marrying Dora should the money owed not be repaid within a year. Dora's father has no means by which to do this and so the only way to save him, and hence be allowed to marry Dora, is for Harold to attempt to seek his fortune in the Australian goldfields and return within a year before the loan is called. Harold sails to Australia, and as luck would have it, strikes gold. He returns to the Rhineland Vineyard in time to release old Carl from debt and to marry his daughter.
Songs and other musical numbers known to have been written for the opera are: 'Come Vintagers' (chorus); a Bavarian or 'Landler' style dance; 'On this Bright Morning' (chorus); a wedding chorus 'Let the Glad Air Ring Again;' 'Oh Holy Mother' (sung by Dora) and 'Hark, 'Tis Thy Wedding Morning' (Anna).