Munya Andrews Munya Andrews i(A102128 works by) (a.k.a. Maria Andrews)
Born: Established: 1960 Derby, Kimberley area, North Western Australia, Western Australia, ;
Gender: Female
Heritage: Aboriginal ; Aboriginal Bardi ; Scottish ; Indian
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'An avid amateur astronomer with a passion for the stars, Munya Andrews was born in Derby, Western Australia to an Aboriginal mother and Scottish father. As a child growing up in the Kimberley her adoptive grandmother (Canice Cox Ishiguchi) told her many Dreamtime stories of the stars, which fostered an early and lifelong interest in astronomy.

Munya describes herself as a "Seeker" (like most everyone else) although her spiritual experiences and understanding of the world are largely informed by the Dreaming. Educated in Australia and the USA, Munya Andrews has degrees in anthropology and law. Her interests are varied and eclectic ranging from the sciences (astronomy, archaeology, architecture, anthropology, chemistry, physics and mathematics) through to the Arts (history, literature, poetry etc) and the esoteric (astrology and tarot). Equally enthralled by science, mythology and comparative religions, Munya Andrews is intrigued by the ways in which these disciplines interact with one another and the ways in which they inform the other. The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades (2004) is her first book, and within it she has explored the links between science and spirituality.

In the real world, Munya has worked as as an academic and lawyer and hopes to continue writing in the areas of spirituality and Indigenous sciences (including astronomy).' Source: (Sighted 16/2/09).

Most Referenced Works

Awards for Works

y separately published work icon Ask Aunty : Seasons Prahran : Hardie Grant Books , 2023 26498090 2023 single work picture book children's

'Explore the seasons on Bardi Country with Aunty Munya in this new children's series.

'Ask Aunty: Seasons is a delightful and educational picture book for children aged 5 to 10 years that introduces First Nations seasonal calendars.

'Have you ever been excited for the first day of summer, only to be disappointed when it arrives cold and rainy? For First Nations People, the seasons don’t change when the calendar does. Instead, we can look for changes in plants, animals, water, weather, fire and the stars.

'Aunty Munya explains how there are six seasons on her Country. Mankal is the rainy season, bringing strong winds from the ocean, while Barrgan is the season when bush fruits are most plentiful.

'With stunning illustrations by Charmaine Ledden-Lewis, Ask Aunty: Seasons encourages all readers to develop a greater awareness of the land, waters and sky, showing how they can help us in our everyday lives.' (Publication summary)

2025 longlisted The DANZ Children's Book Award Non-Fiction
2024 shortlisted The Wilderness Society Environment Award for Children's Literature Karajia Award Nonfiction
Last amended 16 Feb 2009 16:03:32
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