Toby Creswell Toby Creswell i(A101819 works by)
Gender: Male
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Toby Creswell is a music journalist and editor. He has written extensively on music and pop-culture, and was for a time editor of the Australian edition of Rolling Stone. From 1985 to 1992 he ran his own publishing company, which published a variety of award-winning music magazines such as Juice.

He has also produced national music shows and written for MTV and the ABC. He is a commentator on popular arts and culture. He has also written and co-authored a number of books, including Too Much Ain't Enough (1993), a biography of rock musician Jimmy Barnes, and with Martin Fabinyi, The Real Thing (1999), a history of Australian rock and roll.

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Last amended 16 Nov 2011 13:33:42
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