Paul Adams Paul Adams i(A10157 works by) (a.k.a. Paul William Adams)
Born: Established: 1958 ;
Gender: Male
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Works By

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1 A Legend Rehashed Paul Adams , 2005 single work review
— Appears in: Overland , Autumn no. 178 2005; (p. 80-81)

— Review of John Wren : A Life Reconsidered James Griffin , 2004 single work biography
1 Introduction : Frank Hardy and the Literature of Commitment Paul Adams , Christopher Lee , 2003 single work criticism
— Appears in: Frank Hardy and the Literature of Commitment 2003; (p. 9-21)
1 11 y separately published work icon Frank Hardy and the Literature of Commitment Christopher Lee (editor), Paul Adams (editor), Carlton North : The Vulgar Press , 2003 Z1050416 2003 anthology criticism
1 Intertextuality, John Frow and Frank Hardy Paul Adams , 2001 single work criticism
— Appears in: Southern Review , vol. 34 no. 2 2001; (p. 86-95) Frank Hardy and the Literature of Commitment 2003; (p. 159-170)
Author's abstract: 'John Frow's analysis of Power without Glory is often regarded as one of the seminal pieces written on Hardy. Frow provides a rigorous defence against institutional literary histories which have relegated Hardy to the status of 'non-writer' and Communist 'propagandist' and in so doing discovers new dynamics within Hardy's realist writings which have been ignored by critics of the social realist novel. Nevertheless ... Frow's account still only provides a limited and indeed under-theorised account of the importance of Hardy's writings and the multiple forms of determination which need to be considered in a literary history.' (Southern Review, p.86)
1 The Mechanisms of Exclusion Paul Adams , 2000 single work review
— Appears in: Overland , Winter no. 159 2000; (p. 138-139)

— Review of Judah Waten : Fiction, Memoirs, Criticism Judah Waten , David Carter , 1998 selected work autobiography biography short story essay criticism
1 6 y separately published work icon The Stranger from Melbourne : Frank Hardy - A Literary Biography : 1944 - 1975 Paul Adams , Nedlands : UWA Publishing , 1999 Z211042 1999 single work biography
1 The Stranger from Melbourne : The Writing of Frank Hardy: A Literary Biography 1944 to 1975 (from The Stranger from Melbourne : Frank Hardy - A Literary Biography : 1944 - 1975) Paul Adams , 1998 extract biography
— Appears in: Tirra Lirra , Summer-Autumn vol. 8 no. 2-3 1998; (p. 18-27)
1 An Alien Career Paul Adams , 1997 single work review
— Appears in: Overland , Summer no. 149 1997; (p. 98-99)

— Review of A Career in Writing : Judah Waten and the Cultural Politics of a Literary Career David Carter , 1997 single work criticism