'This is the tale of Ladislav Kocek, a failed czech-magician and miserable drunk who is ready to give up his profession passed down by his forefathers and to cut the unfortunate lineage of public shame.
'In his dressing room on what was planned to be his final performance at a cabaret bar in the district of Zizkov, he is visited by Death who makes a startling proposition: to make audience participants DISAPPEAR to help his act, and perhaps, both of their careers.
'But where are these people going exactly? Is it a supernatural phenomenon or a political conspiracy which has the local communist garbage company in Prague involved.
'Rookie Officer Pavel Sitek is not far behind as the magician, his assistant Anna Lacinova and their manager Josef Exner hold performances in small towns throughout the country to adoring crowds.
'This is a dark, surreal satire-comedy-horror mess distilled in a tall bottle of absinthe.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.