Glenlivet-A-Gogh Glenlivet-A-Gogh i(9943884 works by) (Organisation) assertion
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1 y separately published work icon The Shallow End of Enceladus Nathan Roche , Australia : Glenlivet-A-Gogh , 2017 11362551 2017 single work novel science fiction

'In the near future, an incident off the west coast of America will prohibit the use of the ocean and contaminate the air.

'Swimming pools will become privatised and only for the elite.

'World War Three has come and gone but paranoia and fear between countries still lingers.

'Los Angeles-based architect and designer, Veronica Patton has a deep obsession for large bodies of water, and is starting to separate herself from the world of technology.

'The waters beneath the layers of ice of Enceladus, a moon of Saturn could perhaps be a great resource for mankind.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Behind The Curtain Of Death Nathan Roche , Australia : Glenlivet-A-Gogh , 2016 9961660 2016 single work novella humour horror fantasy

'This is the tale of Ladislav Kocek, a failed czech-magician and miserable drunk who is ready to give up his profession passed down by his forefathers and to cut the unfortunate lineage of public shame.

'In his dressing room on what was planned to be his final performance at a cabaret bar in the district of Zizkov, he is visited by Death who makes a startling proposition: to make audience participants DISAPPEAR to help his act, and perhaps, both of their careers.

'But where are these people going exactly? Is it a supernatural phenomenon or a political conspiracy which has the local communist garbage company in Prague involved.

'Rookie Officer Pavel Sitek is not far behind as the magician, his assistant Anna Lacinova and their manager Josef Exner hold performances in small towns throughout the country to adoring crowds.

'This is a dark, surreal satire-comedy-horror mess distilled in a tall bottle of absinthe.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Lavage de Cerveau Nathan Roche , Australia : Glenlivet-A-Gogh , 2016 9943953 2016 single work novel

'Following the success of his New Caledonian-based journal "The Nouméa Neurosis" which catapulted him to mild b-grade stardom in his native homeland of Australia, Doctor Jack Gibson receives an unexpected letter from The French Embassy in Paris requesting his services to devise a new procedure to assist the Parisians with the harsh approaching winter. His previous studies on the coastline are tossed out the window, deemed worthless and a new system must be devised for the landlocked city at his residence on Avenue Émile Zola.

'From the importance of a rotating bicycle wheel in his earlier work, to the spinning cycle of a washing machine his study is underway with a loose concept to absorb the surrounding world like clothes soak in cleansing soaps.

'But can he remain focused with the lavish distractions of the French capital or spiral out of control in a foamy mess himself? '

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon The Harbour Review : Roman Nathan Roche , Australia : Glenlivet-A-Gogh , 2015 9944350 2015 single work novel

'A man wakes up in his small Kings Cross apartment and stares out from his window overlooking Sydney Harbour. Transfixed by the image from his own personal perspective, his mind starts to wander to those around him looking at that same image of the single framed world.

'He considers perhaps their suburb, demographic, and unique personality has helped shape the individual ideology of that wondrous view and for no reason in particular he wants to know what that is!

'Inspired by Brett Whiteley's "Balcony 2 (1975)" and John Olsen's "Five Bells (1963)" paintings hanging in the state gallery, he sets out to map the entirety of the coastline.

'On the voyage of discovery an ever-changing organic story with a multitude of characters that are as deep and rich as the oceans of the harbour are revealed, and beyond the summer glare possibly the answer of what it means to him.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon The Matador Must Become The Bull In Order To Defeat Him Nathan Roche , Australia : Glenlivet-A-Gogh , 2014 9961789 2014 selected work poetry
1 y separately published work icon How To Burn Out The Sun Nathan Roche , Australia : Glenlivet-A-Gogh , 2014 9947732 2014 selected work poetry
1 y separately published work icon The Noumea Neurosis Nathan Roche , Australia : Glenlivet-A-Gogh , 2014 9947638 2014 single work novel

'Unofficial Dr. Jack Gibson has noticed the whole world around him is collapsing in shatters. Feeling inspired to address the situation he decides to get into the world of motivational speaking and alternative self-help.

'He claims to rid yourself of certain neurosis one can follow his four easy steps.

'1. Isolation from current surroundings and temporary relocation

'2. Heliosis (sunshine therapy) to burn the ill thoughts/work drive away with help from vitamin D

'3. A bicycle, mans best friend, a revitalising endorphin and trustworthy travel companion, ride to the point of exhaustion

'4. Finally, but most importantly: a bottle of your finest

'This is intended to be a cleansing and simplistic method to start anew. The good doctor heads off on assignment to see if his new "life changing" method will actually work before selling it to the world.

'For his research the capital Noumea on the French island of New Caledonia has been selected as the location where the experiments will take place. With the arrival of The Patient and the assistance of two local doctors Dr. Jean-Luc Abel and Dr. Felix Estienne things start to take shape.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Cleaning Out The Cobwebs On The Skeletons In The Closet Nathan Roche , Australia : Glenlivet-A-Gogh , 2013 9961884 2013 single work novel

'[S]atire/crime novel on contemporary art, and a strange storage factory in Woolloomooloo.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.