Franjo Jamnik Franjo Jamnik i(9839369 works by)
Gender: Unknown
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3 13 y separately published work icon The Architect : A Tale John Scott , ( trans. Franjo Jamnik with title Arhitekt : roman ) Dob pri Domzalah : Zaloz̆ba Mis̆ , 2005 Z824825 2001 single work novel

Two architects: Andrew Martin, a feted young Australian whose success has come early and Johannes Von Ruhland, an ageing genius whose work has never been realised. When Martin finally meets the mythic Von Ruhland on a trip to Berlin, it is a dream fulfilled, but once that dream is brought back to Australia, it jeopardises his marriage and divides his friends. Martin returns to Berlin where he is increasingly drawn into the labyrinth of Von Ruhland's world. And when the master architect proposes a daring collaboration, the consequences are as profound as they are unforeseeable…
(Source: Trove)