Interpreter and translator.
Jill Blewett was a senior lecturer with the Community Language Program at the Adelaide College of TAFE; co-ordinator of the interpreting and training course at the South Australian College of Advanced Education (now the University of South Australia); director of the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI); and chair of NAATI's Qualifications and Advisory Committee.
She also served as chair of the South Australian State Theatre Company. To mark this latter role, the Jill Blewett Playwright's Award for the Creative Development of a Play Script by a SA Emerging Writer (later simply the Jill Blewett Playwright's Award) was established as part of the Adelaide Festival Awards for Literature after her death in October 1988.
Barry Jones, 'Translating, Interpreting and Understanding "the Other",' Jill Blewitt Memorial Lecture, The Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators, 2004.