'With an almighty sneeze, Jack accidentally transformed Flinders Street Station into a giant fish monster. Unintentionally ousting the existence of Wizards in suburban Australia was not Jack's plan and now a nationwide ballot threatens to deport his people back to their treacherous magical realm. We follow Jack as he tries to rally his local community (Footscray) around rights for the previously clandestine magical beings - whilst simultaneously trying to dissuade other members of the Wizard community to stop making such arses of themselves.'
Source: Screen Australia.
When the Wizard Jack and other magical beings, including a Mummy and a Man-Shark, start taking up residence in Melbourne, the city is thrown into chaos – literally. It's the world-changing turn of events that provides the premise for Wizards of Aus, an SBS series that that is both comedic and –through its sharp satire regarding migration, assimilation and xenophobia – politically clever, writes Cavan Gallagher.
When the Wizard Jack and other magical beings, including a Mummy and a Man-Shark, start taking up residence in Melbourne, the city is thrown into chaos – literally. It's the world-changing turn of events that provides the premise for Wizards of Aus, an SBS series that that is both comedic and –through its sharp satire regarding migration, assimilation and xenophobia – politically clever, writes Cavan Gallagher.