'"Rhythm and pattern follow with precision the rich tonality of Lucas’s visual and aural perceptions delivered with just enough tension to allow a line to run free or a word to drop and hang alone where it dances or stops" – Amanda Joy Cordite
'"Lucas’s collection shines with a clear intelligence and keen observation of the everyday, landscape, place, art, love and grief. The poems, evocative and moving, also sit so lightly on the page." – Lucy Dougan, Philip Mead and Marcella Polain, Mary Gilmore Award Judges 2014
'"Lucas’s poems are composed of vivid bursts of colour" – Cassandra Atherton, ABR' (Publication summary)
however close our touch
or intimate our speech,
silences, spaces reach
most deep, and will not close.
–Judith Wright, 'Space Between'
For my mother
Valerie Lucas