'What’s so different about country kids? There used to be a feeling that being out of the cities was being out of the loop, left behind. But now? Are we still disconnected from the rest of the world when we’re connected to the internet? Have we got any fewer Facebook friends?
'Inspired by real stories and experiences collected from around regional Australia, and developed and performed by the 2015 HotHouse Studio Ensemble, Between The Clouds invites you to experience the good the bad and the ugly of the online world from the perspective of those living furthest away from our capital cities.
'This gritty little play is full of big ideas: distance, power, identity and the lingering question, “What the hell is gonna happen to my Facebook profile when I die?”' (Production summary)
Presented by Hothouse Theatre and performed at ATYP Studio 1, The Wharf, New South Wales : 25-28 November 2015.
Director: Travis Dowling.