Issue Details: First known date: 2015... 2015 [Review Essay] The Heaven I Swallowed
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'The heaven I swallowed is a novel set in post-war Sydney. It is told through the eyes of Grace Smith, whose husband did not return from the Second World War. Alone, with only the company of an insincere and gossipy group of widows, Grace decides to adopt a young Aboriginal girl who was forcibly removed from her family. The child is Mary — a name that Grace had chosen for the child she miscarried soon after her husband left for the war.'  (Introduction)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australian Aboriginal Studies no. 1 June 2015 9041959 2015 periodical issue

    'Welcome to the first edition of Australian Aboriginal Studies for 2015. A new year has brought with it some changes to the journal, with the departure of Jakelin Troy, who has been the Editor for the past three years, and her Assistant Editor, Sally McNicol. To begin, we acknowledge the excellent work of both women. Jaky, who had a long association with AIATSIS in many guises, including most recently as a Director of Research, was the first Aboriginal woman to be general editor of Australian Aboriginal Studies. Readers who are aware of the work and dedication required to publish a journal of this quality will understand the debt we owe Jaky and Sally. We thank them for their work on this and earlier editions.'   (Editorial introduction)

    pg. 137-138
Last amended 5 Oct 2017 10:01:58
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