Australia and I single work   essay  
Issue Details: First known date: 2015... 2015 Australia and I
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'The author explores what Australia represents specifically for a writer from overseas with Australia not only as a subject but also as potential muse or inspiration. Topics include the definition of the nation-state as a monopoly on the exercise of violence, if Australian writers are big enough to critique Australia itself and to listen to someone from overseas critiquing their motherland, and the role of the tyranny of distances in shaping Australian national self-consciousness.' (Publication abstract)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Monthly no. 116 October 2015 8971878 2015 2015 periodical issue pg. 32-40
Last amended 27 Oct 2016 16:38:11
32-40 Australia and Ismall AustLit logo The Monthly