'Death at the Blue Elephant is the first story collection by the respected and multiple award winning Australian writer and editor Janeen Webb. She is a recipient of the World Fantasy Award, the Peter MacNamara SF Achievement Award, the Australian Aurealis Award, and is a three-time winner of the Ditmar Award. In her introduction to this book, Pamela Sargent describes these stories as evoking a "combination of suspenseful anticipation, nervous apprehension, and total absorption in something far removed from my own experience". Death at the Blue Elephant collects 18 incredible globe-spanning visions by the self-confessed 'inveterate traveller'. Five stories are original to this collection.' (Publication summary)
Greenwood : Ticonderoga Publications , 2014'24 established Australian genre fiction writers. 24 amazing artists. 24 gripping pieces of prose that will astound, horrify, amuse and delight you. H. P. Lovecraft began the traditions of his Cthulhu cosmology with 'The Call of Cthulhu' almost a century ago, and Australia was a prominent part of that first tale. Now HPL's Mythos, as it effects Australia, is the subject of its own collection of horror stories!'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
Australia : Horror Australis , 2014