A series of short stories focusing on the hapless Henry, his wife Gracie, his mother-in-law, and various other members of the household.
Henry's mother-in-law is horrified at the cost of potatoes but uncertain how to use up the cold lamb without them. Henry undertakes the job of fetching potatoes.
Henry trusts rather too much to the veracity of the man who delivers his load of firewood, only to find that it resists all efforts at chopping.
In preparation for the arrival of the Nortons for dinner, Gracie tasks Henry with picking up some sandwiches in town, to supplement her own menu.
Henry and family are tormented by the first blowfly of summer, which obstinately refuses to leave the house.
Henry and his mother-in-law squabble over how the household waste should be removed, with Henry willing to hand it to the dust(gentle)men, and Henry's mother-in-law holding out for selling it to a junk dealer.
Henry has a series of small disasters, beginning when his mother-in-law insists that he has time to drop off the laundry, despite his other errands.
Henry's day begins badly when he drops a drawer on his toe.
Henry struggles to catch a tram.
Henry begins to grow weary of his guests, the Robinsons, when they are still visiting after three weeks.
Henry's mother-in-law receives a counterfeit two shilling coin.