'This paper is a discussion about the key differences between Yolngu teaching and learning and Balanda (white Australian) teaching. The Yolngu child is learning constantly, he is looking, and listening, and there are many things lying around, resources which he can hunt. The girls are the same, they know how they will collect shellfish and other resources. But Balanda children sit in a classroom; they are learning but they are just hearing the story, the theory. Out on country Yolngu children are learning through action, deep learning. There are two layers, one inside, and one outside. They learn the outside story, and they will learn the inside one too, through the metaphor, its kinship and stories. Those are the two different methods of learning. The Yolngu children, if they feel safe and cared for, will have the confidence to go inside a classroom. They have a strong foundation. They stand and nothing there will stop them, no barrier inside will prevent them, they will go anywhere. But the one who has done all his learning in the mainstream, something will stop him. From talking, inside his inner being has been truly blocked.' (Source: TROVE - Author abstract)