Seeing Stone single work   poetry   "I see a wasp's nest shattered by a beak"
Issue Details: First known date: 2015... 2015 Seeing Stone
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Strange Objects Covered with Fur : 2015 UTS Writers Anthology UTS Writers' Group (editor), Sydney : Xoum , 2015 8745954 2015 anthology short story poetry

    'The UTS Writers’ Anthology is an annual publication produced by the University of Technology, Sydney. Students from the undergraduate, postgraduate and research programs submit their work anonymously, and a student editorial committee selects and edits the Anthology over a period of four months. In 2015, from over 300 submissions, the committee selected 30 outstanding pieces.

    Over the years the Anthology has featured UTS alumni who have gone on to make names for themselves as authors. Gillian Mears, Bernard Cohen, Jill Jones, MTC Cronin, David Astle and Arabella Edge, along with more recent emerging authors such as P.M. Newton, Clinton Caward, Julie Chevalier and Isabelle Li, have all had early or indeed their first publications here.

    'In addition, the Anthology has been supported by forewords from leading writers such as James Bradley, Delia Falconer, Nam Le and Anna Funder – many of whom have been involved with the UTS creative writing program, and who have acknowledged the outstanding talent of its students. In 2015 the Anthology features a foreword by the acclaimed author of Only the Animals, Ceridwen Dovey.' (Publication summary)

    Sydney : Xoum , 2015
    pg. 203-204
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