y separately published work icon The Genna Perrier Series series - author   novel  
Issue Details: First known date: 2004... 2004 The Genna Perrier Series
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

A series of young-adult novels focusing on protagonist Genna Perrier.


y separately published work icon Our Hollow Sofa Cynthia Rowe , Woollahra : Cynthia Rowe , 2004 Z1282554 2004 single work novel young adult

'OUR HOLLOW SOFA is the story of Genna Perrier – teenager, raw vegan and French student – as she searches for her origins. Hampered by end-of-year exams, stalkers in chat rooms, and a horse’s bowel movements, her journey takes her to tropical New Caledonia. Genna knows she is a Caldoche, but not much else. And what is the hollow sofa's secret?

'This story book explores mother-daughter relationships, adoption and secrets, and will appeal to anyone who loves a good mystery.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

y separately published work icon Ants in My Dreadlocks Cynthia Rowe , Burleigh : Zeus Publications , 2005 Z1282557 2005 single work novel young adult

'ANTS IN MY DREADLOCKS continues Genna Perrier’s search for her origins. Her quest takes her to New Caledonia, the place of her birth, where she meets a range of quirky characters and experiences unexpected adventures.

'While there, Genna comes across information that helps to explain the reason for her birth mother, Sandrine, relinquishing her as a baby. She discovers the depths to which her grandfather, Jacques Forestier, is prepared to sink, as he uses others to do his dirty business.

'Replete with culture clash, the book takes you on a wild ride behind the tourist areas of New Caledonia, from kava bars to deer farms, back alleys in the Latin Quarter and treacherous rainforest walks. Find out what life is really like on this cigar-shaped French Pacific island.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

y separately published work icon Stinger in a Sugar Jar Cynthia Rowe , Burleigh : Zeus Publications , 2007 Z1535327 2007 single work novel young adult 'Set in Far North Queensland that follows the adventures of Genna Perrier as she travels to Cairns to catch up with her birth mother. We follow the highs and lows of a mother/daughter relationship.' Source: Libraries Australia. (Sighted 06/05/2012).
y separately published work icon Bad Grass Cynthia Rowe , Burleigh : Zeus Publications , 2009 Z1846777 2009 single work novel young adult

'Elizabeth Stubbs, known as "Fat Betty" by Genna and the other students at Ravella High, is taunted about her weight while she struggles with the burden of a mentally retarded brother. She discovers nasty emails on her computer, threatening SMS messages on her mobile phone. To lose weight, Elizabeth refuses to eat. She hides food in strange places and, when she does eat, she makes herself vomit. This brings on a vicious cycle which threatens to spiral out of control. How does Elizabeth cope with the taunting? And what is the secret about Bron's disability?' Source: www.zeus-publications.com/ (Sighted 06/03/2012).

y separately published work icon My French Barrette Cynthia Rowe , Burleigh : Zeus Publications , 2012 8679732 2012 single work novel young adult

'Now at University, and soon to graduate, feisty Genna is forced back to the country of her birth. There she must make choices. Does her future lie with the tennis-playing student Aaron, kava farmer revolutionary Rocky, or motorcycle-rising academic Pascal? Will Genna remain in the Victorian seaside town of Ravella, settle in the Pacific Islands of New Caledonia or embark on new adventures in distant France? And what is the importance of the French barrette?'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

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