School of Communication and Arts


Contemporary Theatre & Performance (DRAM2040) Semester 1 / 2015
Creative Writing: Genre Fiction (WRIT2050) Semester 1 / 2015
Creative Writing: Genre Fiction (WRIT2050) Semester 1 / 2016
Creative Writing: Narrative (WRIT1110) Semester 1 / 2015
Creative Writing: Narrative (WRIT1110) Semester 1 / 2016
Creative Writing: Non-Fiction (WRIT3050) Semester 1 / 2015
Creative Writing: Non-Fiction (WRIT3050) Semester 1 / 2016
Creative Writing: Poetics (WRIT2100) Semester 2 / 2015
Creative Writing: Poetics (WRIT2100 / WRIT6100) Semester 2 / 2016
Creative Writing: Screenwriting (WRIT2120) Semester 2 / 2015
Creative Writing: Screenwriting (WRIT2120) Semester 2 / 2016
Current Issues in Australian Writing (ENGL3620) Semester 2 / 2015
Current Issues in Australian Writing (ENGL3620) Semester 2 / 2016
Dramaturgy & Playwriting (DRAM3102) Semester 1 / 2015
Dramaturgy & Playwriting (DRAM3102) Semester 1 / 2016
Introduction to Australian Literature (ENGL1100) Semester 2 / 2015
Introduction to Australian Literature (ENGL1100) Semester 2 / 2016
Major Texts: Current Issues (ENGL3610) Semester 1 / 2016
Making History (WRIT3613) Semester 2 / 2016
Practices of Performance B (DRAM2210) Semester 1 / 2016
Research for Fiction (WRIT7050) Semester 1 / 2016
Women Writers (ENGL2500) Semester 2 / 2016
Writing the Story (WRIT6110) Semester 1 / 2016
Writing: Advanced Project (WRIT3000) Semester 2 / 2015
Writing: Advanced Project (WRIT3000) Semester 2 / 2016