In Ivin's fantasy world, the seven Elders keep in check the multiple demons (vampires, lamiahaem, jorgenhan, changelings, sirens, casanovas, witches and warlocks) who lives their lives in a world of unsuspecting humans.
'There is another world out there, a world of Magic and Demons, a world that I am still learning about. I'm a new Lamiahaem Demon, I wasn't always like this. Before my change I was a Witch who could read minds. I have recently found out that my sister Taylor and I come from a long line of Witches, it's in our blood. We have been told it goes back seven generations; maybe even further. We are different from other Witches and Warlocks, we don't use spells. Taylor and I discovered a lot of information about our family and our childhood. We didn't remember much, because our Nanna Elsie had played with our memories. She erased memories of a childhood full of Demons that had threatened us. We both know that our grandmother and our parents had all the best intentions, but ever since they did this I'd been having nightmares every night. A lifetime of nightmares, no wonder I was always tired and occasionally a bit irritable.' (Publication summary)
In this final volume of the trilogy, the extended family must deal with the consequences of a renegade Guard and the threat that this poses to the secret demon world.