Andrea Kwast Andrea Kwast i(8603036 works by)
Born: Established: 1974 Coonabarabran, Coonabarabran area, Coonabarabran - Gilgandra - Coonamble area, Central West NSW, New South Wales, ;
Gender: Female
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Andrea Kwast studied short story writing and creative writing, completing certificates. She pursued English and Communications at the University of New England, Armidale, Australia completing her degree in 2006. Kwast expanded her studies, qualifying as a proofreader and then a book editor, focusing on fiction manuscripts. In 2009, she founded Tell Me a Story Books where she developed tutoring workshops in English and Creative Writing. During this time, Kwast obtained a certificate in non-fiction writing. She has developed several creative writing workbooks including a workbook for Autistic kids. In 2014 she returned to study to complete a Masters of English. (Source: )

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Last amended 21 Aug 2017 16:20:14
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