Literary Mix Tapes series - publisher  
... Literary Mix Tapes
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The series name under which eMergent Publishing produces its collections of short works.

The stories for these collections are sourced on social media, and each collection is themed around either a particular song (for example, From Stage Door Shadows) or by a themed collection of music (for example, Eighty Nine).


y separately published work icon Nothing But Flowers : Tales of Post-apocalyptic Love Jodi Cleghorn (editor), Brisbane : eMergent Publishing , 2011 8544302 2011

'In a devastated world, a voice calls out through the darkness of space, a young woman embraces Darwin, a man lays flowers in a shattered doorway, a two-dimensional wedding feast awaits guests, a Dodge Challenger roars down the deserted highway…and that’s just the beginning.

'Inspired by the Talking Heads’ song of the same name, Nothing but Flowers explores the complexities and challenges of love in a post-apocalyptic landscape; from a take-away coffee mug to a gun to the head, a fortune cookie to a guitar, the open road and beyond. Poignant, funny, horrifying and sensual, this collection of short fiction leaves an indelible mark on ideas of what it means to love and be loved.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

Brisbane : eMergent Publishing , 2011 anthology short story
y separately published work icon Eighty Nine Jodi Cleghorn (editor), Brisbane : eMergent Publishing , 2011 8543684 2011

'1989: a cusp between decades.

'The year the Berlin Wall came down and Voyager went up. Ted Bundy and Emperor Hirohito died. The birth of the first Bush administration and computer virus.

'In San Francisco and Newcastle the ground shook, in Chernobyl it melted. Tiananmen Square rocked the world and Tank Man imprinted on the international consciousness. Communism and Thatcherism began their decline, Islamic fundamentalism its rise.

'It was the year Batman burst onto the big screen, we went back to the future (again), Indiana Jones made it a trifecta at the box office and Michael Damian told us to rock on.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

Brisbane : eMergent Publishing , 2011 anthology short story
y separately published work icon Deck the Halls : Festive Tales of Fear and Cheer Jodi Cleghorn (editor), Brisbane : eMergent Publishing , 2012 8541497 2012

'DECK THE HALLS traverses the joy and jeopardy of the festive season, from Yule to Mōdraniht, Summer Solstice to Years’ End. The stories journey through consternations and celebrations, past, present and future, which might be or never were.

'Along the way you’ll meet troll hunters, consumer dissidents, corset-bound adventurers, a joint-toking spirit, big-hearted gangbangers, an outcast hybrid spaceship, petrol-toting politicians, mythical swingers and a boy who unwittingly controls the weather.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

Brisbane : eMergent Publishing , 2012 anthology short story
y separately published work icon From Stage Door Shadows Jodi Cleghorn (editor), Brisbane : eMergent Publishing , 2012 8542769 2012

'Twenty-six authors trade Tiny Dancer’s California- blessed lyrics for the shadowed recesses of stages large and small in From Stage Door Shadows, a speculative fiction homage to the darkness just beyond the limelight of the entertainment industry.

'The stories re-introduce the women Bernie Taupin wrote about and Elton John sang about: blue jean baby, LA lady, the band’s seamstress, the music man’s wife and the girl dancing in the sand, along with a stellar cast of musicians, singers, thespians, fans, managers, dancers, DJs, magicians, talent show contestants, stars and has-beens.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

Brisbane : eMergent Publishing , 2012 anthology short story
Last amended 8 May 2015 14:35:51
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