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Issue Details: First known date: 2011... 2011 Introduction
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Selected Prose of Dorothy Hewett Dorothy Hewett , Fiona Morrison (editor), Crawley : UWA Publishing , 2011 Z1775118 2011 selected work prose 'Dorothy Hewett was never fazed by her own gifts as a writer. Although best known as a playwright and poet, Hewett produced some outstanding works of prose.

    'Selected Prose of Dorothy Hewett offers readers new and old a stunning array of Hewett's writings on literature, theatre and politics. This collection is both an engaging way into Australian political history and activism, and an enlightening point of access to one of Australia's great writers.' (From the publisher's website.)
    Crawley : UWA Publishing , 2011
    pg. 1-30
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