y separately published work icon Good Reading periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2015... March 2015 of Good Reading est. 2001- Good Reading
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* Contents derived from the , 2015 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
In Hospitali"Morning, I dare not stir", Gwen Harwood , single work poetry (p. 12)
Me My Shelf I : Debra Oswald, single work interview (p. 14-16)
Rolling with the Punches, Ian Simpson , extract autobiography

'A car accident at three years of age resulted in a spinal injury that put him in a wheelchair. So any dreams that Ian Simpson might have had of being a stand-up comedian were not going to be fully realised - at least not the 'stand-up' part. But this Paralympian and history teacher has never believed in taking himself seriously, and in his new memoir, Rolling with the Punches, Ian writes of the different perspective on life that his view from a wheelchair has given him. In the first extract below he tells of his life in hospital as a three-year-old a few weeks after the accident, and in the second extract he recounts his childhood attempts to get involved in sport, despite the obstacles.' (Publication abstract)

(p. 19-21)
New Mothers Beware, Angus Dalton , single work review
'Reproductive technology has come a long way since birth of the first IVF baby in 1978, and couples who only a decade ago would have been remained infertile can now experience the thrill of childbirth. But despite the best of intentions, things can nonetheless go horribly wrong. Debut author AMANDA ORTLEPP tells ANGUS DALTON about psychotic mothers, the complex world of modern parenthood and her novel, Claiming Noah.' (Publication abstract)
(p. 28-31)
Seaside Homicide, Angus Dalton , single work column
'Melbourne-based crime author Robert Gott tells us about the bizarre crimes on which his books are based, the unusual process of converting a comedy novel to a serious thriller, and the terrifying pro-Nazi villains in his new series set in mid-war Melbourne.' (Publication abstract)
(p. 36-38)
Review : Wife on the Run, Judith Grace , single work review
— Review of Wife on the Run Fiona Higgins , 2014 single work novel ;
(p. 42)
Review : Clade, Lauren Cook , single work review
— Review of Clade James Bradley , 2015 single work novel ;
(p. 43)
Review : Skin, Maureen Eppen , single work review
— Review of Skin Ilka Tampke , 2015 single work novel ;
(p. 44)
Review : Leila’s Secret, Jenny Summerville , single work review
— Review of Leila's Secret Kooshyar Karimi , 2015 single work autobiography ;
(p. 58)
Review : Only in New York, Tim Graham , single work review
— Review of Only in New York Lily Brett , 2014 selected work prose ;
(p. 59)
Review : Bad Behaviour: A Memoir of Bullying and Boarding School, Fotini Dangiris , single work review
— Review of Bad Behaviour : A Memoir of Bullying and Boarding School Rebecca Starford , 2015 single work autobiography ;
(p. 59)
Review : Unstoppable, Judith Grace , single work review
— Review of Unstoppable : The Incredible Power of Faith in Action Nick Vujicic , 2013 single work autobiography ;
(p. 60)
Review : A Game of Keeps, Anastasia Gonis , single work review
— Review of A Game of Keeps Dianne Bates , 2014 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 66)
And All That Jazz, Samantha-Ellen Bound , single work children's fiction children's

'Meet four very different girls who all have one thing in common – they love to dance!

'Eleanor Irvin is ten years old, and dancing is her everything. Tap, ballet, lyrical, and ballroom – she's tried it all. But her favourite style, by far, is jazz.

'When Miss Caroline, the owner of Silver Shoes Dance Studio, announces she will be selecting dancers to perform in the upcoming Jazz Groove Dance Competition, Ellie is over the moon! There's only one problem, she's not so good at auditions. Actually, there might be a few problems – Ellie's dance enemy, Jasmine, seems determined to ruin her chances and the new girl, Ashley, is really talented. Will Ellie be able to overcome her nerves and hold on to the spotlight?' (Publication summary)

(p. 66)
Review : The Complete Guide to a Dog’s Best Friend, Merle Morcom , single work review
— Review of The Complete Guide to a Dog’s Best Friend David West , Felicity Gardner , 2015 single work picture book ;
(p. 69)
Review : The Last King of Angkor Wat, Jo Burnell , single work review
— Review of The Last King of Angkor Wat Graeme Base , 2014 single work picture book ;
(p. 69)