City Circle single work   prose  
Issue Details: First known date: 2014... 2014 City Circle
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Flashing the Square : Microfiction and Prose Poems Linda Godfrey (editor), Bronwyn Mehan (editor), Strawberry Hills : Spineless Wonders , 2014 8324912 2014 selected work prose

    'Here are tales of service station hold-ups, random violence in elevators, shark attacks and road fatalities. Complete narratives, with well-drawn characters and plotlines all in 200 words or less. There are short pieces about supermarkets, computers and dogfights - all packed with emotional punch. Some describe quiet but no less significant moments: a child colouring in, a seagull stealing a chip. Some show us the magic of quotidian life - on trains, buses and in backyard gardens and nature strips. We gave them a single blank square of paper to fill. They flashed it with political satire, memorable lines, mordant observations, flights of fancy and heartbreaking descriptions.' (Publication summary)

    Strawberry Hills : Spineless Wonders , 2014
    pg. 29
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