A television series about the Heidelberg School, focusing particularly on Tom Roberts.
According to a contemporary newspaper review:
In the premiere of 'One Summer Again' (ABC, Tuesday, 8.35) the goodies are the boys and the girls of the Australian "impressionist" movement who want to paint Australia in Australian ways while the reactionaries, who we are invited to boo and to hiss, are the England-orientated conservatives who doubt that anything original could or should originate in the colonies.
As it happens it is second nature to me to believe that Roberts, McCubbin, Streeton, Conder, and Sutherland were right, but my experience of reactionaries of all kinds is that while they may be wrong they are seldom consciously evil people bent on doing Satan's work. In the first episode of 'One Summer Again' the conservatives, who in real life were the prisoners of views derived from the prevailing social and intellectual climate, were shown as nasty bits of work.
Ian Warden, 'Much to Distinguish between Intellects', Canberra Times, 29 July 1985, p.2 [television guide].