Elizabeth Nelson Fairchild (International) assertion Elizabeth Nelson Fairchild i(8040903 works by) (a.k.a. Lily Nelson)
This international person is included in AustLit to identify a relationship with Australian literature.
Born: Established: 1845 Boston, Massachusetts,
United States of America (USA),
; Died: Ceased: 1924
Gender: Female
Heritage: American
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Elizabeth Fairchild (nee Nelson) was an American poet who published under the name Lily Nelson and the pseudonym C. A. Price.

Source: Elizabeth Nelson Fairchild Papers, George J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections & Archives, Bowdoin College Library, Brunswick, Maine

Sighted: 05/11/2014

Most Referenced Works


  • Lily Nelson is included in AustLit because her work is published (in part or in full), advertised or reviewed in Australian colonial newspapers and magazines; and/or is the subject of Australian literary comment, adaptation or creative writing.

Last amended 5 Nov 2014 14:24:53
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