'The sixth edition of Award Winning Australian Writing (AWAW) continues its commitment to showcasing the best short stories and poems that have won competitions around the country. Much like the 2012 anthology, this year's collection will feature over fifty writers and competitions. It will also proudly include a foreword by Carmel Bird, in honour of whom Spineless Wonders runs the Carmel Bird Short Fiction Award. Bird is the author of nine literary novels, six collections of short fiction and three books on the art of writing.' (Publisher's blurb)
Melbourne : Melbourne Books , 2013 pg. 76-77Outcrop is a new anthology which collects contemporary radical Australian poetry of land. Curated by Corey Wakeling and Jeremy Balius, Outcrop transcribes innovative and significant poetical approaches to land at the crossroads of ecologies and language. The collection, rather than an exhaustive survey, represents a diversity of contemporary Australian radical poetic perspectives. These range from land in content and syntax, to voice, ecology, gesture and land of the body. These are poetic experiments with landscape and geopolitics, exemplars of radical visions of land. Outcrop features poetry from Louis Armand, Laurie Duggan, Ali Cobby Eckermann, Kate Fagan, Michael Farrell, Lionel Fogarty, Keri Glastonbury, Matthew Hall, Fiona Hile, Duncan Hose, Jill Jones, John Kinsella, Astrid Lorange, John Mateer, Peter Minter, Sam Langer, Claire Potter, Pete Spence, Nicola Themistes and Tim Wright.' (Publisher's blurb)
Australia : Black Rider Press , 2013 pg. 134-135