Državna založba Slovenije Državna založba Slovenije i(8006135 works by) (Organisation) assertion (a.k.a. DZS)
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1 y separately published work icon Zbirka Veliki otroci Ljubljana : Državna založba Slovenije , 1993 8006180 1993 series - publisher novel
33 13 y separately published work icon Foe J. M. Coetzee , ( trans. Jože Stabej with title Sovražnik ) Ljubljana : Državna založba Slovenije , 1993 6180940 1986 single work novel (taught in 1 units)

'In the early eighteenth century, a woman finds herself set adrift from a mutinous ship and cast ashore on a remote desert island. There she finds shelter with its only other inhabitants: a man named Cruso and his tongueless slave Friday. In time, she builds a life for herself as Cruso's companion and, eventually, his lover.' (Source: Libraries Australia)