'The story opens on the Poscuddi station, New South Wales. Young Fred Collins, who has just returned from the war, is attracted by the sister of his friend Maurice Campbell, but before his love ripens he meets the beautiful daughter of his father's boundary rider, and transfers his affections. Doyle, the head stock man, also in love with the boundary rider's daughter, murders young Campbell, and causes Collins to be charged with the crime. An old swagman has witnessed the murder, and making his way to Darllnghurst Court, arrives before the conclusion of the trial, and points to Doyle as the murderer. Doyle commits suicide by shooting himself. Meanwhile the blacks have attacked the hut occupied by the boundary rider, who, with his daughter, puts up a strenuous fight. They get a message away to the station for assistance, despatched by the dog, and a timely rescue is effected. Eventually Collins and the girl are united in marriage, and on leaving the church they are met by the old swagman, to whom they otter a home, but he declines, and points away to the west, leaving them with the words, "This is the Call of the Bush."
'Imperial Pictures', Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, 27 December 1912, p.4.
Note on production
Contemporary newspapers give mixed information on the production company behind this film.
Advertisements for Gaumont film distribution company assert that it is 'taken in its entirety by the GAUMONT CO. OF AUSTRALIA, the FIRST OF A NEW SERIES' (see [Advertisement], Referee, 4 December 1912, p.16).
Other advertisements assert that it is the most recent production of the Australian Photo-play Company (see, for example, [Advertisement], Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, 28 December 1912, p.8).
This record amalgamates the two alternatives by following a notice in the Port Pirie Recorder regarding an alliance between the two firms (see Gaumont Federal Films Company record for details).