JACKSON was born in Cumbria, England, and currently lives in Australia and New Zealand. Jackson has published four books, a chapbook, seven zines and an audio album, as well as winning the 2019 Ros Spencer Poetry Prize, the 2014 Ethel Webb Bundell Poetry Prize, and a number of second prizes and commendations. Jackson's many public appearances include guest performances at the Queensland and Tasmanian Poetry Festivals. In 2018, they completed a PhD in Writing at Edith Cowan University, winning the University Research Medal, the Arts and Humanities Research Medal and the Magdalena Prize for Feminist Research.
Since 1991, Jackson’s work has been published in Australian, American, English and Canadian journals and anthologies, including the Australian Poetry Journal, The High Window, Ink Sweat & Tears, London Grip, Cordite, and the Fremantle Press Anthology of Western Australian Poetry. Jackson was the featured essayist in The High Window issue 7.
Jackson instigated Perth Poetry Club in 2009, coordinating it until 2012, then founded the online poetry journal Uneven Floor, editing it from 2013 to 2018.
thepoetjackson.com (Biography supplied by author.)