This play explores the difficulties of communicating with an audience, while being on a slightly removed wavelength and using language which is faintly out of the ordinary. The play looks at the barriers of language that could exist for a disabled, yet entirely coherent individual faced with an audience used to communicating with ease. The individual/being/head,(the only part of the actor that is visible is the head. The rest of the body is obscured by a large box which conceals a three wheel pedal bike by which the actor can perambulate around the stage when this is required) is accompanied by a following spirit, part guide, part lost soul and castaway, who struggles with the beings need to communicate with the audience/humanity/body. In some respects the being is a form of verbal bridge between the audience and the spirit. The being represents the gulf between the body and the spirit and is able to communicate with both. The language used is a mixture of semi-verse and gibberish. Meaning is ever present, but always obscure.