'To say that it is among the best of the Australian pictures presented within the last year or two is, unfortunately, not recommending it very highly. Providing one sees it In a good-humoured frame of mind, there is mild entertainment in it. One particularly satisfactory feature is the acting. The players do not by any means express emotion on an heroic scale, but at least they succeed In appearing natural, instead of walking on and off in palpable fear of the camera. Consciously or unconsciously, Mr. Hamster has based his story on American models. He opens with the familiar bathing party scene, with couples gaily jazzing in their swimming costumes round the pool. There are "novelty races" with balloons. The villain of the piece, it appears, is tremendously rich, and is "always giving a party of some sort." Hence it is only a minute or two before one Is plunged into fancy dress, dancing Indoors, and scenes on the moonlit terrace, where "modern" girls puff their cigarettes and nonchalently [sic] flirt. Of course, there is no reason why America should have a monopoly of depicting jazz and Indiscriminate kissing on the screen; but American producers have so painstakingly exploited these motives that it seems hardly worth while to enter into competition with them. Though one could hardly put one's finger on any incident and call it objectionable, the whole atmosphere surrounding "Should a Girl Propose?" is stuffy, morally. From time to time bright little Interludes of farce enable one to forgot the ancient triangle–pretty girl; poor hero; and rich, unscrupulous villain, tempting the heroine with luxuries–but for the most part attention is concentrated only too strongly upon It.'
'New Australian Film', Sydney Morning Herald, 1 April 1926, p.5.