The Freeman's Journal commends the upcoming performances in Parramatta of Albert Smith's Matrimony, written expressly for, and featuring, Miss Rosa Cooper. Freeman's assures its readers that those who attend 'will be favoured with a dramatic and musical treat of no ordinary kind'.
Buggins opens his weekly column with some reflections about the demise of James Martin and his ministry. He then turns his attention to the previous week's productions at the Prince of Wales Opera House. He pays tribute to William Hoskins's stage management of Edward Fitzball's Azael; or, The Prodigal of Memphis (although he doubts whether the play has any literary merit), declaring: 'I have never seen in the colonies a piece better placed upon the stage'. Buggins provides a detailed examination of the acting, especially praising Rosa Cooper.
An advertisement, for Greville and Company, for the sale of various types of paper, pens, pencils, slates, ledgers and other stationery items.
An advertisement for James Hill, bookseller and stationer, advising of the arrival of 'a large assortment of standard Catholic works, Bibles, Prayer Books, &c., which he is determined to sell at the very lowest prices'.
An advertisement for the Leader stating that it is 'without exception, the largest paper in the Australian colonies' and that it has 'a guaranteed circulation of 21,000 copies'.
An advertisement advising that the proprietors of the Freeman's Journal have entered into a 'job printing business' and 'are now prepared to execute orders'.
A list of suburban, country and inter-colonial agents for the Freeman's Journal.
An advertisement advising that Greville and Company are the 'authorised Sydney agents of all the leading provincial journals of New South Wales' and are able 'to offer terms for the insertion of advertisements which can be done by none but a recognised agent'.
An advertisement advising that Freeman's Journal 'is filed and may be seen, free of charge, at Holloway's, 533, Oxford-street, W. C., (late of 224, Strand) London, where advertisements and subscriptions may be received'.
An advertisement for Greville and Company, agents for Messers Harrild and Sons, London, advertising the sale of various items of printing machinery and equipment.