Notes by Buggins single work   prose  
Issue Details: First known date: 1868... 1868 Notes by Buggins
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

Buggins comments on a fight between patrons at the Prince of Wales Opera House during the previous week; those involved were members of the crew of the Charybdis and 'wearing her Majesty's uniform'.

Buggins reflects on the sometimes dubious practice of adapting works for the stage and then discusses the previous week's performances at the Prince of Wales Opera House: 'Sarah the Creole is not an interesting play' and both it and Raymond and Agnes are 'played too slowly'. 'Azael, or the Prodigal Son is in preparation' and 'new and very elaborate scenery has been painted for it'.

Buggins also mentions that he has 'paid a visit to the Scandinavian' and 'is bound to acknowledge that the performance was remarkably good, and the audience highly respectable'.


  • Epigraph: Come to a gossip's feast/ And come with me. – Shakespeare

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Freeman's Journal vol. 19 no. 1329 26 September 1868 7676505 1868 1868 newspaper issue pg. 9-10
Last amended 6 Aug 2014 15:01:37
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