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Sunday Mail, 27 february 1927, p.10
form y separately published work icon The Hound of the Deep single work   film/TV   adventure  
Alternative title: Pearl of the South Seas (British title)
Issue Details: First known date: 1926... 1926 The Hound of the Deep
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'Complying with the strange conditions of his uncle's will, young John Strong finds himself on Thursday Island intent on finding a pearl that can match the world-famous Strong Imperial, a task he must achieve in two years, for the Reuben Strong pearling station and his great wealth will revert to Black Darley the unscrupulous manager. Many adventures are encountered in the quest, and John Strong finds wonderful romance in the South Seas. He sought one pearl and found another, a pearl among girls. The photography is very fine, and there are some most interesting films of the teeming life of the sea many fathoms down.'


'For West's', The Register, 2 December 1927, p.13 (via Trove Australia).



  • Some contemporary news reports (see, for example, River Murray Advertiser, 20 January 1928) describe the film as having been based on a novel of the same name by Frank Hurley, but no such novel has so far been traced.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Last amended 21 Aug 2014 15:33:00
  • Thursday Island, Torres Strait Islands, Queensland,
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