'The Toy Emporium is the busiest, most successful toy store in the country. But buried deep in it's hustling and bustling workforce is Jeremy, a socially awkward and somewhat naive dreamer. Stuck in Packaging, his only wish is to design toys and secretly he has been toiling away on a new robot invention - the Rokitelly.
'The Rokitelly, however, has some minor design flaws - it keeps bursting into flames. Unsure of what to do and with no help from his womanising best friend Paul, it is left to Cindy, the girl Jeremy secretively loves, to suggest he takes the Rokitelly to the heads of the company.
'With declining financial fortunes the company is in trouble and Mrs Pembleton, the overbearing owner and head of the company, sees in the Rokitelly a chance to reverse the company's woes. She places Jeremy into the capable hands of Erol Kilty the head of the toy design department and a legend in the toy industry.
'Jeremy soon learns that success comes at a price. One he has to decide if he's willing to pay.
'Along the way we meet a gang of colourful characters in search of love, fortune and that holy grail we call 'success'.' (Production summary)
Presented by Dramatic Productions and Ickle Pickle Productions : Belconnen Community Theatre : 25 Jul 2014 to 2 Aug 2014