INXS INXS i(7588615 works by) (Organisation) assertion
Born: Established: 1977 Frenchs Forest, Killarney Heights - Frenchs Forest area, Sydney Northeastern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales, ; Died: Ceased: 2012
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Australian rock band, formed as The Farriss Brothers in 1977 by classmates from Davidson High School and Forest High School. Founding members were Garry Gary Beers (bass), Andrew Farriss (keyboards), Jon Farriss (drums), Tim Farriss (guitar), Michael Hutchence (vocals), and Kirk Pengilly (guitarist and saxophonist).

INXS changed fundamentally after Hutchence's sudden death in 1997. They continued with alternative vocalists (including Noiseworks' Jon Stevens and Canadian J.D. Fortune, who won a reality-television competition for the role), but announced their functional retirement in 2012.

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