A revusical exploring the happier side of the digger's life in France, the dialogue is said to have contained the 'wonderful language of slang with which the A.I.F. carried on its conversation, and without doubt proved to be very diverting to the ex-soldiers in the audience as well as their friends' (Brisbane Courier 23 November 1921, p.9). The Mail (Adelaide ) records that the production, which included several musical numbers, was 'full of originality' and involved capital staging effects. George Jennings, as the principal comedian, also provoked the audience into roars of laught through his quaint sayings (31 December 1921, p.8).
1921: Empire Theatre (Bris); 26 November - 1 December
1921: King's Theatre, Adelaide; 31 December 1921 - 6 January 1922