y separately published work icon Finders series - author   novel   fantasy  
Issue Details: First known date: 2014... 2014 Finders
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y separately published work icon The Boy from Glass J.G. Lindsay , Spring Hill : Florence Publishing , 2014 7560928 2014 single work novel fantasy

'After a tragedy that left my family even more dysfunctional than before, David appeared in my front garden. Up until then I didn’t think he’d notice someone like me. He was gorgeous, smart, funny, and seemed to understand me better than anyone else. Our night at the jetty together had been the highlight of my life. Then my best friend, Tina, went missing and so did he. And just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse it turns out that David doesn’t really exist and only my autistic brother, Remy, and I could see him. This leaves me wondering, firstly: Did we both imagine him and am I crazy? And, secondly: If he comes back, do I continue going out with him?' (Publication summary)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

First known date: 2014
Last amended 8 Jul 2014 08:30:58
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