Eva M. Alander Eva M. Alander i(7502248 works by)
Gender: Female
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14 7 y separately published work icon Lost Michael Robotham , ( trans. Eva M. Alander with title Förlorad ) Stockholm : Albert Bonniers Förlag , 2007 Z1185132 2004 single work novel crime thriller

'Mickey Carlyle disappeared, in a building with only five floors and eleven flats ? How is this possible? Everyone knows that Mickey Carlyle is dead and a man is in prison for her murder, except Detective Inspector Vincent Ruiz, who cannot stop searching for her and will not give up hope that she is still alive. Vincent is found one night, shot and with a picture of Mickey in his pocket; he seems to have amnesia. After being accused of faking amnesia and under investigation by his colleagues he retraces his steps, and relives that night with the help of a psychologist. Facts, not memories will tell him what happened to Mickey Carlisle. ' (Publisher's blurb)